Monday, October 24, 2011

Phase One - Day One


So the elements of the 12 week Live Fit Trainer are pretty simple - eat clean and often, train hard and results will follow. The Trainer is a 3 phase program that aims at building muscle, stripping fat and toning.

Jamie offers everything you need to do this plan except what only you can offer -which is the commitment to sticking it out!! So I spent the weekend preparing my turkey muffins and carrot protein bars, to start with a regime something like this:

5am - Gym for Chest/Triceps training
The nutrition plan calls for six meals a day, every 3 hours. The food is varied and filling, and has very little (if nothing) by way of processed foods.

Egg whites and turkey played a major part in today's diet and I found that I didn't feel hungry at all during the day.

I am also using a variety of supplements which I will explain in greater detail in later posts:
Whey Protein Isolate
Hydroxy fatburner
BCAA's (Branch Chain Amino Acids)

I think the hardest part of this program is going to be the preparation stage - I spent most of the afternoon cooking protein bars and turkey muffins. The program itself has everything you need to follow it easily, including weekly emails, videos from Jamie and she also has a Facebook page where she is herself currently undertaking the program.


About Me....

Hi and welcome to the Fat Girl's Guide to Fit! Well, I will get straight to the point and introduce myself - I am the Fat Girl. For as long as I can remember weight has been an issue for me. No, I don't have 'big bones', no, I don't have a thyroid problem, my only problem is food and my inability to consume it in ideal quantities. Throw in a perchance for couch sitting over exercise and that has led me to where I am now - 32 years of age with about 10+kg to lose to reach my ideal weight range of 53-72kg.

So far I have lost around 13kg on Weight Watchers, but having married an aspiring bodybuilder and becoming interested in fitness from that perspective, led me to figure model and Oxygen magazine cover model Jamie Eason. She, in my opinion, epitomises how I want to look. Not muscly as you would see women in bodybuilding comps, but fit, toned and super healthy!!

So this blog will be about my journey on Jamie's 12 week Live Fit Trainer program, which can be found on - and it is totally free!! I aim to post my progress every 2-3 days with the goal to be at 72kg (minimum) by Christmas 2011. Today is Day 1.

Thanks for keeping me company on my journey!!